Skanda’s Youth Programs

Experiences of love, hope, and possibilities for school age children.

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My daughter Theresa spoke at length about the animals that she “got to know” and cared for several times throughout the school year . . . no other camp from last summer had that sort of influence & “staying power” with her. Skanda is addressing & meeting a very special need in people that most people do not even realize they have.
— Charles White, parent
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August Summer Camp 2024

These week-long day camps are open to any child age 6-12 who wants to
experience the magic of the farm and the love & innocence of the animals.
Campers may attend for one week or multiple weeks.
Only 9 spots per week.

Monday-Friday, 9:30am-3pm
Fee per week: $339
(Once you register, you will receive an email with a link for payment.)

Week 1: August 5-9 (FULL)
Session 2: August 12-16 (FULL)
Session 3: August 19-23 (FULL)
Session 4: August 26-30

Please note: camp fees are nonrefundable.

To sign up, please fill out the form below. Registration will be confirmed by email.

Introducing Skanda’s newest program for kids ages 6-12:

Skanda Under the Stars!

We are thrilled to offer, for the first time ever, two overnights for kids at Skanda this July. These will be magical, unforgettable experiences, with kids getting dropped off at 10am and picked up the next day at noon. Space is limited, so be sure to secure a spot for your child as soon as possible.

Please complete the form below to start the registration process for your child.
